Monday, July 25, 2016

How Pain Management Clinic Helps Relieve Pinched Nerves In Fort Lauderdale FL

By Amie Murrieta

The limitations of pinched nerves can occur in the legs, arms, neck, and back. When the impacted nerve is compressed or sustains abnormal pressure, it can affect normal operation and lead to ongoing debilitation. With individualized therapy offered through a Fort Lauderdale FL pain management clinic, it is possible for affected patients to work towards a safe and healthy recovery.

A pinched nerve can form from exposure to large amounts of pressure that leads to dysfunction and irritation. Damages are often associated with large amounts of weight gain, pregnancy, and the formation of a bulging disc. Individuals injured by repetitive stress will suffer from swollen stiff muscles that may compress the nerve and restrict normal function.

Meeting the relevant practitioner will assist in identifying damage to the surrounding nerves. A thorough assessment of symptoms will need to be performed including a digital exam that will aid in detecting the extent of debilitation. The creation of a recovery program based on individual needs can aid in identifying the nerve that has been impacted by strain.

Repetitive stress is a leading cause of muscle and nerve damage that requires rest to support recovery. Muscles that are swollen and damaged can cause severe agitation of the surrounding nerves. The performance of rehabilitation techniques aim to reduce the strain and stiffness that are experienced by the nerve.

Engaging in physical therapy is advised particularly for neck and lumbar damages. Individuals can seek relief from discomfort with a steroid based injection and the use of prescription medication for a very short period. These options cannot recover the dysfunctional nerve and therefore healthier and effective approaches should be adopted.

The maintenance of a healthy weight is recommended as it alleviates strain placed on the surrounding nerves. The performance of routine exercise techniques and relaxing strained muscles can support enhanced levels of mobility and general wellness. Professional methods can aid in identifying and managing pinched nerves for relief from severe pain.

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