Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Musical And Harmonic Healing For Alzheimers

By Stacey Burt

As shown in a recent documentary, music can be used to help Alzheimer's patients recall lost patterns of memory. When it comes to dementia, harmonic healing can be like a back door into the mind. A man named Henry awoke from Alzheimers, began to sing and speak about long lost memories. Another woman whom had insisted on using a walker for years, upon hearing the music on an I-pod, not only stood up, stood up and danced.

The healing art of harmonic and musical healing both use a hands on approach. With one, light noise and sound effects are used to balance body, mind and Spirit. Whereas with the other, music is played to help individuals with brain damage and memory loss revive old behaviors, memories and personality traits that may have been lost due to Alzheimers, senility, or other mental illness.

It is a practice that involves a hands-on approach. While massage is not a required part of the process, some healers are also licensed massage therapist. As such, individuals who have issues with shared touching may want seek out other forms of holistic treatment. While those who love massage and the other healing arts will most likely be quite pleased.

Using this theory, it is sound itself which brings all human beings into reality. It is often the first thing we hear when we are born, and the last thing we hear when we die. Even when we are ill, or experiencing detriment to our system, we remain in a state known as "dissonance, " a mingling of cries, groans and other unpleasant sounds. After which, the flow of energy is re-charged and the essence of chi, reborn.

It is often best to visit a sound healer either at a health fair, or in a private office or residence. It is also good to go as early as possible to get the most benefit, whether from sound healing or other alternative practice. Ultimate quiet in the background when, and wherever practicing is one of the most important aspects of the process.

In some cases, remote healers, also known as remote viewers may be able to provide services over the phone. There are also those who blend sound healing with meditation through a variety of sound effects and visualizations which are often distributed and marketed to online social networking sites. As with most alternatives, there are always going to be skeptics. There are often positive and negative comments related to this advertising, sound and visualizations.

Depending on the environment, a number of elders in a nursing home may be able to awake to memories, old and new simply by listening to familiar music on an I-pod or other device. In both harmonic practices, and musical therapy, individuals often report seeing the music. In reality, most often what the individual sees is that of colors and shapes which are generated by brain waves based on sounds being heard at the time.

Both practices have a lot of potential to help people in the future. Harmonic, and music after all do share a connection when it comes to sound. As such, it would make sense that if sound has the power to heal, then so too music, poetry, radio and television.

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