Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Herbs That Heal And Its Secrets

By Lilia Moody

Myths, legends, epic tales of wars and its heroes are what accompanied the stories of the magical wonders of herbs that heal. But now, it has taken its rightful place in the field of medicine, back upped by the new discoveries of several research laboratories and medical facilities. After all, there is nothing more precious than the treasure of human life itself.

With the emergence of a number of newly existing health problems, drug companies did not just stop on finding a better cure by way of tablets and capsules, syrups and elixirs, and intravenous fluids. Scientists looked back on what was known before as home or backyard remedies. As for you, it is now time to change perspective and look at herbs as not only an additional ingredient to your dish but an additional item to your medicine kit.

For now, the most common diseases have its corresponding cure. Being the most popular cause of illness, hypertension may be treated with the most popular herb as well. High blood pressure is known to be remedied with garlic. It reportedly tapers cholesterol in the blood. Infections can be fought by garlic because of its antibacterial components.

Bitter melon or bitter gourd will put a bittersweet temperament to sweet teeth. They must understand and control their urge to consume sweets to better cure their diabetes mellitus. Cancer patients, as well as those who have hemorrhoids, will love bitter melon as this bitter wonder may be the very thing to cure them.

Talking about diabetes, cinnamon adoring foodies are assured of having lower blood sugar levels. But take note, nutritionists recommend to take only the water soluble form of the herb. Consuming it in larger doses pose a dangerous risk to your body.

Known for its fragrance, sandalwood was discovered as a beauty product. Its bark, when used as a paste, was assured to make your skin supple and free from blemishes. It is a nice feeling to know that while you are making your skin become attractive, you are also basking in its sweet scent, acting as a substance for aromatherapy.

Foods spiced up with rosemary are just about what patients with cancer will enjoy. Aside from being treated, they get to satisfy themselves gastronomically. Rosemary stops the cancer cells from forming and mutating. Its antioxidant components fights off carcinogens, the very substance which causes the cancer cells to develop.

Ginger does not only magically transform one dish into something mouthwatering, but it can also remedy many illnesses. Arthritis and cancer of the ovaries are the two most recent discovery that ginger is said to cure. When traveling on long distances, ginger may alleviate your feelings of motion sickness and nausea.

Mother Nature truly has some magical surprises in store for her children. Going natural is still the best cure for any disease. You would need not to worry of the ensuing side effects since herbs that heal are known to cure without you having to endure those discomforts. Economically speaking, it will let you save too.

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