Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chiropractic Care For Whiplash Injuries

An auto accident, sports injury or fall can result in whiplash, and pain relief can be achieved by your Minnesota chiropractor. Whiplash is an injury to the soft tissues in your neck resulting in neck pain. Acceleration and/or deceleration causes your body to hyperextend or hyperflex in your neck.

In simpler terms, whiplash happens most commonly after a rear-end collision when your head moves suddenly backward and then forward and your muscles don't have time to brace themselves. These forces cause your neck muscles and ligaments to move beyond their normal range of motion causing injury to the soft tissues.

Whiplash may also occur after a blow to the head, an object falling on your head, or from being assaulted. Repetitive stress injuries or chronic neck strain may also cause whiplash from something as simple as continually using your neck to hold the phone. It can also occur in infants resulting from Shaken Baby Syndrome. Whatever the cause of your whiplash injury, you will want to seek treatment immediately after the injury. While your pain may develop right away, it could also take a few weeks to manifest. It is best to get checked after an accident, even if you feel you weren't seriously injured.

The most common symptoms of whiplash include: neck pain, neck swelling, muscle spasms, headaches, pain radiating from your neck to your shoulder or arm, difficulty moving your neck, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, numbness, and/or tingling or weakness of your arms. Some lesser known side effects you may experience include: difficulty sleeping, irritability, trouble concentrating or with your memory, ringing in your ears, TMJ pain, and lower back pain.

Following your whiplash injury, you can expect the following at your first chiropractic visit: range of motion check, x-rays taken and neck palpation. MRI's and CAT scans are also often ordered. Your chiropractor will try to heal the soft tissues in your neck in a number of ways including: massage therapy, electrical muscle stimulation, alternating heat and ice, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, trigger point therapy and home training on strengthening exercises. You can expect these treatments to help reposition the vertebrae in your spine and restore normal movement in your neck. Your chiropractor may also recommend you visit an attorney to discuss possible compensation that may be due to you following your whiplash injuries.

About the Author:  Michelle Caron


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