Friday, February 3, 2017

Five Helpful Tips in Caring for Your Eyes

by Alesha Wilson
(Wilmington, NC)

You need to care for your eyesight so that you won’t have problems doing the things you normally do. There are some people who have difficulties with their eyesight especially as they grow older. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be helped. To maintain clear eyesight, remember these things:

1. Rest your eyes. If you love reading books, sometimes you forget to put the book down for a break. Rather than reading non-stop, make sure that you rest every hour or so. Just put the book down, close your eyes, and relax for a bit. You can also use this time to reflect on what you have just read.

2. Do not wash your eyes after too much strain. After you’ve spent hours reading a good book without rest or after you have spent your entire day in front of the computer, you should wait for a few minutes before washing your eyes. Also avoid washing your eyes immediately after you have woken up.

3. Stay away from too much computer or television exposure. These days most jobs require that you use the computer for long hours, but you need to take a break every once in a while. Make sure that every thirty minutes you look away from the screen and blink your eyes at interval.

4. Keep a healthy lifestyle. Babies are usually recommended foods rich in beta-carotene or vitamin A so that their eyesight will develop well. Even as you grow older, you should not forget the habit of eating foods rich in this vitamin. However, don’t just focus on this one. There are other vitamins that your body needs too.

5. Use eyeglasses if necessary. If you are starting to feel dizzy every time you try to read something and if you are already beginning to tumble because you can’t see the bump on the floor, then it’s probably time to ask your doctor for prescription eyeglasses.

The importance of the eyes cannot be emphasized enough. You need to make sure that you are not overworking the eyes. It’s better not to be able to finish your book in a day as long as you can read more books in the future thanks to your healthy eyes.

Alesha Wilson is a staff writer at, a leading natural health website that supplies Genestra Brands products.

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