Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Understanding The Gains Of Vitamin B6

By Catalina Gant

Vitamin B6 falls in the category of water soluble vitamins and is found naturally in a number of foods. It is added in others as fortification and also found as a food supplement. Some of the food groups where it can be found include vegetables, grains and fruits. The fact that it is soluble in water means that the body cannot retain the excess and it excreted through urine.

The body requires constant replenishing because of the critical role it plays. Among the most important is antibody production which is essential for disease prevention. Optimum levels in the body normalize the nervous system. Vitamins are crucial in hemoglobin manufacture which is essential for oxygen transportation throughout the body.

Human body uses this B6 vitamin to break down proteins. This has led nutritional experts to suggest that persons who take in a lot of proteins should ensure that their uptake of vitamins is high as well. The same vitamins are responsible for controlling the amount of glucose or blood sugar in the body. The vitamins are readily available in such foods as bananas, meat, avocados, whole grains, poultry, nuts and legumes. The vitamins are also found in processed foods that are fortified.

Any deficiency can have devastating side effects that can lead to protracted health complications. The side effects include depression, confusion, irritability and sores on the tongue and in the mouth. Excessive consumption on the other hand leads to numbness, difficulty in coordinating movement and changes in the sensory system. There is a recommended daily allowance that should be followed for every person. It covers the optimum quantities for infants, children, adolescent and adults.

There are groups of people that are vulnerable to deficiency because of other health situation. They include a person whose renal functions are impaired. The person is receiving dialysis treatment and therefore experiences increased metabolic clearance. A similar thing happens to kidney transplant patients. Medical assistance should be sort since the symptoms of kidney illnesses and vitamin deficiency may be similar.

Autoimmune disorders have also been linked to deficiency and the situation gets worse if the disorder gets severe. One such condition is the rheumatoid arthritis which is causes inflammation. The inflamed parts produce cytokines that works against any supplements that may be used to counter the condition. Patients suffering from celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease also display similar symptoms.

Alcohol dependency has been linked with deficiency because of low plasma PLP concentration. Acetaldehyde produced by alcohol makes the cells to be susceptible to hydrolysis. The process is catalyzed by phosphatase that is membrane bound. A remedy for this side effect is taking supplements that are rich in pyridoxine. Scientist hypothesize that vitamins protect the body from cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin B6 reduces mortality rates and effects of cancerous cells. Studies are still ongoing to confirm the link between this B6 and better memory or improved cognitive power. Other health benefits include reducing the severity of premenstrual syndrome. Pregnant mothers with adequate levels of the vitamin are said to handle nausea and vomiting better.

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