Thursday, March 23, 2017

Prevent Accidents At Work With Mobile Drug Testing Texas Technicians

By Jaclyn Hurley

There are many risks that come with drugs use in workplace including increased accidents, loss of man-hours, bad reputation, shrinkage of inventory, and loss of loyal customers. You need to consult mobile drug testing Texas technicians to visit your premises and conduct the tests on-premises. This will save you a lot of costs, and possible chances of cheating on results.

You never know what happens when workers leave the premises to be tested way in laboratory facilities. Productivity is one thing that is negatively affected by the drugs. When workers start using drugs, the level of productivity goes down significantly. They cannot perform their duties as expected. The reduced productivity affects the survival of businesses.

Workers are supposed to be assets and not cause troubles. The productivity of workers is one thing that is affected by drugs. When workers use these substances, they lose their sense of reliability, responsibility, care, and dedication. They never think about their work and performance anymore. The workers may even involve themselves into activities, which cost the business a lot of money such as mishandling of equipments and tools.

Such testing should be carried out in line with the set regulations and not infringe the rights of workers. If employers feel that the workers and the businesses are threatened by possible cases of drugs use within the workplace, they can decide to call the technicians to conduct tests. The employer has to make decisions based on aspects that are happening in workplace.

Workers using drugs spend a lot of time at home because they fall ill more often. A lot of money is spent by the employer in treatment since these workers become sick every now and then. Since accidents are likely to be caused by the workers using the substances, it means that the business is targeted by OSHA officials for inspection.

In addition, the cost of worker compensation insurance goes up as more claims are witnessed. The insurer will tend to hike the premium rates when more claims are witnessed from a company. It is essential that business owners put in place mitigation measures that prevent workers from taking drugs in the first place.

The employer has to pay for the cost of transport. In addition, there is a lot of time lost when travelling to and fro the laboratory facilities for the tests. These are things that can be prevented by calling the technicians to visit the premises, and conduct the tests inside without the employees leaving. When they visit the premises, it saves you the time wasted in travelling to lab facilities.

The mobile tests are perfumed in-house and your workers do not leave the premise. This saves you a lot of time. The workers are tested in turns, and they can soon return to their workstations. With these on-premises testing procedures, they ensure that you save your precious time and you do not have to allow employee to leave the premises.

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