Monday, May 1, 2017

All About Alternative Lyme Treatments

By Stephanie Long

This is a type of disease which is bacterial by nature and is transmitted via ticks. The ticks responsible for this disease are mainly found in parts of the United Kingdom, Europe and North America. The complex nature of this disease has made it be the center of controversy around the world. In relation to this, the following is an article on alternative Lyme treatments.

There are many ways through which treatment can be sought. To start with, there is a website which claims to have found a new inexpensive way to cure Lyme disease. This is by the use of salt and vitamin C. This can be taken for a number of days as recommended.

Lyme disease is said to have the ability to penetrate different parts of the body as it is not restricted to the bloodstream. To counter this, electro medicine has been seen as the most effective type of treatment. This is due to the fact that it has the capability to penetrate the inner most parts of the body including the cells and brain. Some say that this is the future of Lyme treatment.

This disease can also be treated by the use of antibiotics. They however work under specific conditions. It is important for them to be taken within seventy two hours of removing the tick. The type of antibiotic used highly depends on the stage of the disease and the symptoms experienced. They are however not supposed to be used by a lactating or pregnant lady.

Just like any other disease, it is important for treatment to at least be detected and done early in advance. This makes sure that one has ample time for recovery. If left until it advances to the late stages, it can lead to destruction of the brain and nervous system. This causes one to suffer from amnesia, damage of the nervous system. In addition to that, it may cause one to have heart problems and complications of these joints.

In addition to the above, early detection and treatment makes sure that the complexity of this disease and treatment options are reduced. This is usually a period of one to thirty days after one has been bitten. It prevents the disease from attacking important body organs. There are different for both adults and children and more so depending on the body mechanism as they tend to differ with every patient.

They say that prevention is better than cure. To avoid all the medical expenses associated with treatment, it is important for one to take matters into their own hands where they can prevent this disease. While working in tick prone areas, one should wear long pants. Also, insecticide should be used to reduce the number of ticks in a given area.

In summary, Lyme disease is very dangerous if left untreated for long periods of time. It can affect the life of a person in a negative way. It is always important to make sure that one seeks medical attention as soon as possible. They are also supposed to go through the list of treatment options to make sure that they choose the most effective one.

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