Sunday, May 7, 2017

Natural Alternatives To Prescription Drugs The Better Alternatives

By Ronald Wilson

Since time in memorial, human beings have always used some elements from their environment cure themselves from life threatening ailments. In the last few decades, however, the development in the field of medicine lead to a rise in the laboratory inspired drugs. These, by large extend have been very effective, a factor that may have led the medical community to turn a blind eye to other alternatives. The natural alternatives to prescription drugs is a debate that may not be settled any soon, however, as a patient, there are a number of things you may want to know.

There is no scary moment like the time when the doctor informs you that you have been diagnosed with a terminal condition, whether it is diabetes, heart condition or any other life threatening ailment. Many patients may go into a shock for a while, and when they resume their normal state, all they think is the fasted way to get well. They never have time to question what the doctor prescribes, or even consider if there are other options that may come with better outcomes.

Whenever one is diagnosed with any serious condition, including lifestyle conditions like diabetes or even heart disease, it is normal to be very scared, and the need to do anything that will keep you alive, and if possible healthy kicks in. At this moment, when one is desperate for a solution, you will not think twice of the solution you are given by your health professional.

However, a number of people have tried the other solution, and they never regret this decision, in fact, they are happier lot at the end of the ordeal. Generally, the medications that the doctors prescribe are associated with a number of side effects; in fact, in some cases they are even ineffective. The side effects in most cases tend to subside soon after the system has adjusted to the new drugs, however, the big question is whether it's worth trying when there are alternatives that may work better with no side effects.

The other concern is the tendency of the body to resist drugs in the long run. When any drug is used over a long period of time, it eventually becomes ineffective given that the pathogens in the body become resistant to them. At this time, there is a likelihood to over-use drugs, which could be detrimental to essential organs like the lever and the kidney, leading to regrettable results in the long run.

Better yet, the body organs are much safer. Using some drugs over a long period of time has been known to lead to malfunction of important organs like the liver, the kidney and other similar organs. More deaths are caused by overdose, over reliance, and advance reaction to the medicines, thereby calling for the need to seek better solutions for treatment.

The healthy lifestyle targets to prevent and manage lifestyle diseases by focusing on diet, exercises, and general well being of the body without necessarily introducing chemicals that are not natural to the body system. By adopting a healthy lifestyle at the onset, several research studies have shown that one is able to deter most of life-threatening ailments with no risk of side effects or other associated complications.

The natural alternatives are also cheaper and tend to be more effective in the long-run, as they target to deal with the root-cause of the problem. However, before you decide to switch to these solutions, you need a doctor's opinion given that the success depends largely on your state of health.

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