Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Step By Step Guide About How To Make Matcha

By Amanda Baird

For those individuals who are not familiar with Matcha tea, its a type of green tea quite commonly found in Asian countries like Japan. It is sometimes referred to as Japanese tea because Japan is the major producer in this regards. There are lots of health benefits associated with the consumption of this. The process of how to make matcha tea is a bit different as compared to other types of green teas.

This tea isn't like other herbal teas that contain tea leafs instead its available in powdered form which implies you will be drinking entire tea leaf rather than simply drinking the water concentrate of it. You have the alternative to keep the texture of it either thick or thin as per your individual inclination and preferring. The thick form of tea is called Usucha and tea with thin texture is called Koicha.

To avoid an awful tasting tea you should follow the brewing process in an accurate manner. There are certain steps that you need to follow to brew a perfect cup of matcha. Never use boiling hot water to brew it instead use warm hot water.

Firstly, boil water in a pan to extreme boiling temperature and then take it off the fire and wait for about two or three minutes then start the brewing process. You may need some hot water separately in another pan if you want to change the consistency of it.Once the water is boiled, pour it into a separate bowl. Don't let it cool down for long otherwise you will find it difficult to brew it in a perfect manner.

Depending on the desired consistency, add the tea powder in your cup. You can add 1/2 to 2 spoons of powder in a single cup. To obtain thick texture you should add 2 spoons otherwise 1/2 spoon is enough for a thin textured drink. For smoother texture, always use a tea strainer so that no granules are left within your cup.

While determining that the water is still truly hot, you should whisk your tea as fast as you can. The most ideal approach to prepare is that you take a modest amount of warm water and add the powder to make mixture and when its blended completely, you can include more warm water and blend it well.

Whisk it for sometime to get a thick and frothy consistency whereas on the other hand, you don't need to whisk for a long time if you are looking for a thinly textured drink. Always drink your beverage while its hot otherwise its taste would change it will not give you a refreshing feeling.

It can be said that the process of how to make matcha is quite simple. You can preserve the tea powder for a long time if you keep it in an air tight jar within a refrigerator. The antioxidants found in this tea are considered extremely beneficial for your body health so make it your habit of drinking at least one cup on a daily basis.

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