Sunday, August 21, 2016

Experience Reiki Classes Portland Oregon

By Beverly C. Ralph

Individuals who prefer to undergo nature based remedies before turning to surgical or pharmaceutical options are using Holistic, or New Age, medicinal treatments as their first choice. Based on various ancient techniques, these practices harness the healing power naturally lies within all humans to address worrisome conditions. Reiki classes Portland Oregon can help interested people learn more.

This particular idea is based on an ancient Japanese technique that was used to alleviate stress and make one relaxed. In this process the therapist can utilize near contact to share their energy so that their patient's body can activate its innate resources. Mostly, there is no physical contact, however, during those times it is required, it is slight and light.

This technique centers around the belief that people can share their inherit energy with others, which is why the name is comprised of two Japanese words that translate quite literally into "Universal Life Energy". This transfer in intended to give the patient's inner healing ability a boost to remove the sources of anxiety and stress. These are two of the main chakra blocking conditions known to man.

It is completely non invasive as the patient stays fully clothed the whole time and the therapist rarely has need to make physical contact with them. The purpose is to gently restore balance to an individual's life energies and put them on the path to improved health. It is not meant to replace necessary traditional treatments, but to work in conjunction with them by preparing the spirit force.

Of importance to note that not only is this not a religion, it is based on, or attributed to no theological systems. This a legitimate therapy which can be used on anybody, no matter their age, gender, race, intellectual capacity or spiritual development. A person only needs to allow the energies to enter and start working.

Among the conditions this method has been used to treat are hypertension, anxiety, insomnia, stress, pain, nausea and headaches. It is commonly believed that by raising the vibration frequency of one's body, vitality may be increased ant the aging process slowed. A lot of people turn to this therapy to aide in their quest to beat various addictions.

Learning the intricacies of the process is a simple matter of attending training sessions on how to harness and use one's natural energies to help themselves or others. The actual power to heal must be physically transferred to the student from their teacher in a connection known as "attunement". Once that is complete, the individual becomes a Master and is allowed to open their own practice.

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