Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Eye floaters and spots

Have you ever spotted squiggly lines in your field of vision and the more you tried to observe them the more they moved away? Eye floaters and spots are quite a common phenomenon. Eye floaters are basically benign and do not disrupt normal functioning of the eye in any way. If you have been seeing eye floaters and spots for most of your life, there is no need to worry as they keep coming and going at regular intervals.

The process of formation of eye floaters and spots can be triggered by a number of conditions. Though it is generally due to the aging process when the vitreous humour starts changing from the semi solid state to the more liquid form, the process can be accelerated by a variety of other factors. Pregnancy can start the process of eye floaters and spots formation as proteins are retained in the vitreous humour. Eye floaters and spots are also normally observed after cataract operation and also after laser surgery. People with myopic eye are prone to experiencing eye floaters and spots quite early life as myopic eyes starts degenerating earlier than normal healthy eyes. A trauma or head injury can also lead to the formation of eye floaters and spots. 

Eye floaters and spots can also indicate a number of underlying medical problems. If you are prone to migraine, then experiencing eye floaters and light flashes just prior to a migraine attack is a common phenomenon. Eye floaters and spots are also indicated as symptoms in other diseases. For instance any problem with the carotid artery can precipitate the formation of eye floaters and spots. Eye floaters and spots are also the side effect of diabetic retinopathy. In diabetes as the level of blood sugar increases it raises the blood pressure. This in turn puts pressure on the small sensitive blood vessels of the eye which starts leaking and starts the process of floaters formation and possible retinal detachment. Retinal hemorrhage can also lead to the clumping together of blood cells and thus leading to the formation of eye floaters.

While eye floaters can be extremely benign, they can also indicate serious health problems. For instance diabetes, migraine, heart problems etc are intricately related to the symptom of eye floaters. There is no need to ring the alarm bell though. You should consult your ophthalmologist in case you notice an increasingly large number of eye floaters accompanied by flashes of light. However experiencing flashes of light need not always indicate grave problems. It can also be due to spasm of blood vessels in the head.

In case the problem of eye floaters ands spot is aggravated you should consult your ophthalmologist immediately. It is so because an increasing number of eye floaters can be a prelude to the process of retinal detachment. Thus it is extremely important that you seek immediate medical aid in such a situation. Retinal detachment can lead to permanent loss of sight and this can be avoided by seeking timely medical intervention.

Tagged with: eye floaters and spots

Filed under: What are eye floaters

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