Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Headache Sufferers In San Antonio Find Relief With Chiropractic Care

By Clinton Arnhold

When someone has a headache there is something that caused it. It could be something in the environment or an overindulgence of alcohol the night before. If a subluxation, or misalignment, of one of the seven cervical vertebrae is the cause, there is help available in the San Antonio chiropractor office.

When one or more of these small bones that encase the spinal cord are out of place, they cause pressure on the nerve roots located there. If not attended to, headaches frequently become chronic. Care is advisable.

Many people turn to chiropractic care for relief. It has several attractive features. For one, it is non-invasive. For another, it does not require the use of any medication, prescription or over-the-counter.

A migraine headache is considered to be the most debilitating of all. Symptoms include throbbing pain and nausea. The individual can only spend the day in a dark, quiet place, hoping it will subside. He will be unable to go to work.

The first visit to a chiropractors office will be spent answering a series of questions. Severity of the pain and duration are important to note. A physical examination of your spine will determine the exact location of the misalignment.

When the assessment is complete the chiropractor will be ready to set up a plan for care. A series of gentle spinal adjustments will, over time, provide alleviation of the disabling hurt. The adjustments realign the spinal bones, which takes pressure off the sensitive nerve roots.

As the pressure is reduced, so is the pain. One person may feel relief after a few appointments. Another may require a little longer. Each individual responds in his or her own time. Age and general health of a client have an effect on response time.

Chiropractic care at regular intervals will prevent muscular tension and misplacement of the vertebrae. A well-known university conducted a research study that showed chiropractic to be the optimal solution for relieving the pain of migraine headaches. A gentle exercise routine will maintain flexibility and thus, prevent future headaches.

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